Dayu Yu

Dayu Yu

PhD Researcher

Wuhan University



3D City Modelling


Research Activities


The Design and Development of Open Geospatial Engine (OGE)

Multi-source 3D Information Management for 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure

  • Summary: Develop a cohesive mechanism that integrates the description, organization, encoding, management, and delivery of extensive and heterogeneous 3DSI for 3D SDI.

Photo-realistic 3D building models reconstruted from RSI

  • Summary: Reconstructing the 3D building mesh from RSI based on DNN.


Unsupervised photo-realistic 3D Mesh segmentation based on machine learning

Virtual geographic environment platform for tailing dam failure simulation

Contributed to the development of national/international standards

  • Result: Contributed to the development of the OGC international standards: OGC TrainingDML-AI
  • Result: Translate OGC CityGML Standard into Chinese
  • Result: Contributed to two Chinese national standards: Geographic Information, Digital Data and Metadata Preservation Part 1: Foundations and Geographic Information, Digital Data and Metadata Preservation Part 2: Content Specification for Earth Observation Data and Derived Products
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